Monday, August 18, 2008


Jackson has a new obsession. He LOVES Spiderman! He has never seen the movies but somehow loves it. It is almost as bad as his Star Wars obsession. So we just had an Organic Market open near the house and they were doing face painting for their Grand Opening. Of course he had to have Spiderman.

We just bought him a Spiderman costume, since all he wants to do is play dress up. I will try and get a photo taken today of that. I got him Spiderman sheets yesterday and he was so excited. He hugged me and told me I was his best friend.

So it looks like I am completely caught up on the blog!!!!!YEAH!!!!! I will try and keep it as current as I can now.

Love and miss everyone,

1 comment:

Ames said...

Dez, who are those kids?

That can't be, no way, no how! Beautiful! Hope you are doing well back in Colorado... doing my best to get a blog up for Liam. He starts 1st grade next week... time flies. xo