Monday, August 18, 2008

Going down to South Park.......

So we took the kids camping at the beginning of August. We met my mom, step Dad, and his other grandson, up in South Park CO. I went up with the kids on Friday afternoon and then my brother and sister in- law and Phil met us up there on Saturday. The first night was rough with all of us in the camper and because Ty and Jackson were fighting for Grandpa's attention. Ty is not really Jackson's cousin except by marriage, but they spend a lot of time together so that is what we call Ty. Cousin Ty was having a hard time sharing Grandpa and so was Jackson.

By Saturday I was dying for Phil and my brother Aaron to get there, so they could divert Jackson's attention. I also secretly was dying for Aunt Jess to get there. She has taken a real shine to Adeline and pretty much will not put her down when she is around. She loves Jack a lot, but Addie just melts her heart. It gives me a much needed break.

I was right, when Daddy and Uncle showed up Jackson had tons of attention and things seemed better. I was a nice time with the family. If only it had not rained from Saturday evening until late that night. Our tent was so water logged Phil had to sleep in the car with Jack. I was in the camper with baby.

It was fun, and I am sure we will be doing a lot more camping, but it is so much work. Thank goodness for my mom and Sam and their great camper!


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