Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Goin' back to Addie...Nah Man... I don't think so

Can you pick out which is LL Cool J and Which is Addie?

Cutie Pies

Some cute photos of the kiddos!


So if you do not already know Jackson is a HUGE Star Wars fan like his dad. I had a friend tell me that Pottery Barn kids was having Star Wars characters come to their stores. Of course you had to go to the store in advance and get tickets. We got the tickets and Jackson was so excited. When we got there you had to wait in line forever, but it was worth it. Jackson told me before we had our picture taken that he didn't want to stand next to Darth Vader. Both kids just stared with their mouths wide open. Phil and I thought he may not have had fun until we left and all the questions started. When I put him in the car he told me he had a lot of fun and thanked me. He is so cute!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ahhh Sleep!

This is a well rested baby!!!!!!! With brother at preschool it is amazing how good of nap she gets. No screaming or banging or brother just checking on her. I love that one! Always ends up in her room saying he is checking on her. I had to lock the gate at the top of stairs and put door knob locks on to keep him out. Checking on her to him is throwing toys in her crib while she is asleep or just screaming at the top of his lungs. Little shit scares the crap out of her. Poor baby!

First day of School

First day of school went well. First thing out of his mouth when he woke up was "I'm not going I hate school" Phil and I looked at each other thinking OH SNAP! That was the only negative thing he said. It was like he needed to get it out of his system and then he was fine. Ate breakfast and got dressed no problem. There was no breakdown at school when I left, and when I picked him up he was really excited. He told me he loves school. Awesome, one less thing for me to worry about.


Happy Labor Day!

On Labor Day we had to go to Colorado Springs for a Labor Day Picnic. We thought it would be a nice outing for the kids and Phil could also get some work in. Jackson was so mad to have to go, since all his friends in the neighborhood were out playing. He cried for 20 minutes into the drive. Once we arrived all was forgotten! They had bounce houses and slides and the biggie was horse back rides for kids. Jackson is obsessed with horses and asks for one all the time. So of course the hour long line was totally worth it to him. He was all smiles the rest of the day. We also took him to Garden of the Gods, which he loved. Our battery on the camera was out so no photos. This was our last summer thing since school started the next day.


Addie at home

Just some photos of the cutie! She is getting into all my cabinets. She just sits there and bangs them until we finally tell her to stop or remove her from that spot.